WHAT IS YOUR CONSTITUTION? Your constitution is your basic inherent physical and emotional makeup. It has long been understood in traditional systems of medicine that people possessing different personality tendencies were subject to different kinds of ailments. Even modern medicine recognizes this fact when it divides people into type A and type B categories in assessing heart attack risk. The type A personality (aggressive, hard-driving, etc.) is more prone to heart disease than the more relaxed and laid back type B.
When one understand the concept of constitutions, one can see why three people who abuse their bodies in exactly the same way can wind up with different health problems. One might get cancer, the other heart disease and the third live to a ripe old age, all from living essentially the same lifestyle and eating the same diet! The inherent strengths and weaknesses of their physical bodies and the way they cope with life (emotionally and mentally) make the difference.
This constitutional approach is a synthesis of the teachings from three different schools of thought in iridology. These are: Dr. Bernard Jensen’s model, the German approach and the Rayid method of personality analysis. The Rayid method of Denny Johnson looks at the same iris markings as iridology seeing the highlights of the personality. Together they show the effects of your constitution on your health and emotions and the effects of toxicity on both.
THE FOUR MAJOR TYPES: The stronger the constitution, the greater the ability to hold nutrients, carry away metabolic waste and carry on with life-giving cellular activities.
The weaker constitution cannot maintain nutrient levels, metabolic processes are slower and toxic accumulations are more likely. Nonetheless a weak constitution properly cared for can have a good health and long life. A strong one not cared for can rapidly burn out and be lost.
The Flower Emotional Constitution:
This is probably the weaker constitutional type. The Flower name comes from the look of the top layer of the iris, with shapes that looks like petals. These indicate inherent weaknesses. The structural looseness off of the fiber in the eye suggests a lack of structural tone in the connective tissue of the body. The Iridologist will note the location of any prominent lacunas (Flowers) when reading the eye, especially those that are dark in the center, then locate what organ areas they are in on an iridology chart. Those organs tend to be inherently weak.
Usually this type of constitution has a weak digestive system, unable to break down food for effective absorption, depriving it of the minerals, vitamins, and proteins it needs. Because its needs can be so high, trying to get by on mere food will leave the person either very weak and tired, or very fat because they will keep eating in an effort to get the energy they need. Usually the person will also be in need of bowel cleansing with fibers if the lacunas are found inside the autonomic nerve wreath (the area closest to the pupil). These people also tend towards glandular and especially adrenal weakness.
It is incorrect to say what others have, but they are extremely strong emotionally. Furthermore, they usually learn their limitations earlier in life and often take better care of themselves as a result. Hence they may live longer and healthier lives than someone with a tighter structure. However when they do get emotionally hurt, rather than dealing with the problems, these people often go home and get sick.

The Jewel Analytical Constitution: The iris of a Jewel is similar to a Stream but with flecks. This is also a strong and efficient constitution which usually knows how to get the nutrition it needs from whatever food is available. These people have strong bodies that can take a lot of neglect or abuse. These concentrations of color suggest a tendency toward a tense rigid condition in the area of the body that leads to an accumulation of toxins and metabolic waste. The Germans associate these spots with breakdown of the blood due to liver problems. Their color indicates which organs may be involved.
People with Jewels are prone to liver problems, blood sugar problems, toxic accumulation and stagnation of energy. The flecks represent “hot spots” that tend to build energy and heat. In general, these people require cleansing and releasing therapy to open these areas and remove toxins. Jewels have the opposite personality tendencies to the Flower type (who they are attracted to for long-term relationships). Australian Dorothy Hall says these spots are hiding the fibers underneath and hence represent a type of hidden or closed nature. These people tend to respond to life with thought and analysis. They input visually and are likely to have a “show me” attitude. Their initial attitude may be skeptical, but once they are convinced they are much more likely to stick with something.

The Stream Constitution: This is the strongest constitution. Very straight and fine eye fibers and an absence of flecks and openings in the iris fibers characterize this type. This is a balanced fiber structure. The Stream people seem to be able to go through life breaking all the rules and rarely suffering for it. As youths they can digest and get sufficient energy from almost anything. It is when their lives suffer a dramatic change that they are most likely to get sick. Because they tend to abuse their bodies with too much work, they have a tendency towards nervous system weakness and stress-related disorders such as headaches, vascular spasms (heart attack, stroke), ulcers, and skin eruptions.
The Stream types respond quickly and appropriately to crisis, both emotional and physical. They are the fabric that holds the world together. They are friendly, strong and intuitive. These people are physically oriented, they learn through touch and movement. They respond to life with action and try to keep things running smoothly. They often feel responsible for everything and have difficulty letting anything fall through the cracks. Their most difficult lessons are to learn their own limits, to know when to stop and rest.

The Shaker Extremist Constitution: This fourth constitution type is a combination of Flower and Jewel. They have both the openings and the flecks in the same eye. If you fall into this category you will have either a weak or a medium constitution, depending on whether you have more of the whole picture personality (Flower) or the detailed one (Jewel). Shaker types tend to have a lot of varied health problems that require them to take better care of their health. They have to constantly alternate between cleansing and building to stay healthy. These types are always dominant in one or the other patterns. Hence they can be extremely emotional, extremely analytical or extremely kinesthetic depending on the dominant patterns of their eyes.
When both flecks and opening are in the same eye, these people have both the open nature of the emotional type and the closed nature of the analytical types, at war within themselves. This battle of the opposites creates the extremist type of personality. Extremist types are seldom content with the status quo and feel impelled to be out on the fringes. They are at the cutting edge of change and tend to be very creative and innovative. They move to and fro because they are trying to reconcile the opposite within themselves.
Pure Stream structures account for 15% of the population and about 10% have a pure Flower pattern. The above general types blend together in a multitude of ways creating very subtle shade of personality.

For an appointment call us at 604-531-3480. Cost for a one hour in depth Iridology consultation with Diane is $100. Included with Live Blood is an Iridology consultation and the cost is $175.