Qwest 4 Health | Contact Us
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Contact Us

To Book an appointment please phone, text or email us.

Office cell #: 604-531-3480

email:  please notice our email address has moved from qwest4health@shaw.ca to qwest4healthbc@gmail.com

Our Location:

2-349 Walnut Ave.
Harrison Hot Spring, BC
V0M 1K0

Dr. Diane and I are now semi retired and only takes appointment every Friday and Saturday of the week between 11am to 5pm.

We can make exception on request.

Cell : 604-531-3480
Email: qwest4healthbc@gmail.com

By appointment only : Weekly on Friday and Saturday only between 11AM to 5PM.

We can make exception for special circumstances.

John and Diane Blackburn are not MDs and do not offer to diagnose, treat or operate for any human disease, injury or disability. Our services are geared to assist you in your personal healing journey and all information, reports or communication are strictly for your personal inspiration/education concerning weaknesses, imbalances and stress factors possibly causing disease states.  We cannot offer a guarantee for the accuracy of our information or the result of recommendations or natural therapies involved. We encourage our clients to seek medical advice or tests for any of their particular conditions.